Bad credit car finance applications help people who have been blacklisted by previous credit provider companies. You can apply for loans using the simple application form from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Millions of people worldwide find themselves in the unfortunate position of having judgements against their credit record. Or being on some companies blacklist for many different reasons. This is nothing to be ashamed about. And the best thing to get is an action plan to start getting out of debt and back on the road to financial success.
Banks such as ABSA or Standard Bank usually reject bad credit car finance applications to people who have judgments against their name. Or who have a poor financial history.
Read More: Blacklisted Car Finance for People in South Africa
This is because they see these borrowers as a high risk to lend money to and feel that an applicants history will determine their future. Which is often not the case at all. And many of these so called high risk applicants simply went through a difficult financial period. Which therefore led to defaulting on a few payments and sometimes being unfairly blacklisted.
Bad Credit Car Finance in South Africa
Most of us need a car to get around in South Africa. Not just any old car either. You have to have something reliable.
This means it’s going to cost you money. So you need help from a credit provider in the form of finance.
There are cases where people have missed one small monthly repayment on a previous account. With a cellphone company for example. And the next thing they know they go to ABSA or Standard Bank and struggle to qualify for any types of vehicle loans. Because now they may be on some sort of black list.
This is very common in South Africa. If you are looking for a loan or need to borrow money for whatever reason but have a poor record. Then simply drop us a quick message from our Contact page and we will point you in the right direction. To fill in an application for bad credit car finance in South Africa.